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Haverfordwest Kayak Club

Club night 9th April 2024

Type of trip: Touring (Inland)
Level: Very Sheltered
Paddler Level: All

Meet at:Trefgarne quarry Meeting time: 1900

Briefing and Launch time:1915 (*Please note that it will be at the discretion of the trip leader as to whether or not any member who has not signed up and not attended the safety briefing is allowed to participate in this trip.)

Estimated Duration: 1:30

Outline plan: Meet at the container at 6:30 to load kit. We'll have a sheltered paddle on the quarry due to the weather. If you don't know the way, meet at the container and follow others.

Expected condtions: W 16-26 knots. Dry and sunny.

Organiser: Rich Tel. 07817459568 email: Richard_lawrence@hotmail.co.uk

Already signed up for this:

James Oxbury Tel. 07941410477 email jamesoxbury@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit required
Sarah Tel. 07879 660890 email sarahstorrow@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Might have to meet you at the quarry - depending on how quickly the cubs go into the hall!
Sally Tel. 01437732818 email penrallt@icloud.com  CW Yes
Kit required: No kit
Laura Tel. 07557336141 email lauraclements@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit please
Jeff Oswald Tel. 07789954095 email jeffoswald@btinternet.com  CW Yes
Kit required: none
Anna Gardner Tel. 07883927301 email a.gardner602@yahoo.com  CW Yes
Taya Gardner-Thomas Tel. 07883 927301 email a.gardner602@yahoo.com  CW Yes
Kit required: None
Chris Russell Tel. 07855907346 email abcrussell@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Julie Layton Tel. 07477962865 email joolzlayton@yahoo.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: Coming to container
Mike Tel. 07816503794 email mickwpryce@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Just a kayak
Mike Tel. 07816503794 email mickwpryce@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Just a kayak
Dave Fisher Tel. 07934317964 email fish59xx@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: None
Amanda Johns Tel. 07890294312 email mandy.johns2812@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Kayak, spray deck, rh paddle and transport pls
Nia Wheeler Tel. 07971135569 email katewheeler27@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Junior - all kit please. Thanks
Helen Page Tel. 07826194241 email helenpage44@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Jane Douglas Tel. 07969900151 email bluesea22@pm.me  CW Yes
Eva Darlington Douglas Tel. 07969900151 email bluesea22@pm.me  CW Yes
Shawn Jones Tel. 07506151392 email shawnjones@btinternet.com  CW Yes
Tom Roch Tel. 07792965012 email tomroch61@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: No kit required
Haz Cooze Tel. 07792965012 email angharadnerys@gmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: No kit required
chris Tel. 07527 679388 email allman  CW Yes
Kit required: testing