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0 Haverfordwest Kayak Club

Surf/ Play at Broad Haven 17th August 2017

Type of trip: Surf
Level: Sheltered/Moderate
Paddler Level: Beginner/Intermediat

Meet at:Broad Haven Galleon Meeting time: 19:00

Briefing and Launch time:19:15 (*Please note that it will be at the discretion of the trip leader as to whether or not any member who has not signed up and not attended the safety briefing is allowed to participate in this trip.)

Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours

Outline plan: Hopefully we can practice bracing and catch some waves ! Parking should be free at PCC carpark opposite Galleon after 7pm, suggest short boats if you want to surf so we don't take out any holiday makers. Meet at container 18:30 if you want to borrow a boat - please could a key holder come and assist ?

Expected condtions: Bit unpredictable at the moment but expecting Force 4 S Westerly, sunset 20:40, low tide at 21:40 BST. ( High tide is 4.5m).

Organiser: Julie Layton Tel. 07760 435104 email: joolzlayton@yahoo.co.uk

Already signed up for this:

Adrian Tel. 07541947457 email AdrianNBaldwin@gmail.com  CW Yes
Brook and Bev Tel. 07929203043 email Brookandbeverley@talktalk.net  CW Yes
Kit required: Bev will be arriving late finish work at 7pm arrive assp thanks, I can be at container if need.
Sue Lake Tel. 0777 976 2048 email slake61@googlemail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Small boat please (ifpected)
James P Tel. 07974829317 email Barneydinosaur@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit needed please
Chris Tel. 07855907346 email   CW Yes
John Tel. 01348 881646 email johnejenkins@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Sarah and Shane Tel. 07879 660890 email sarahstorrow@gmail.com  CW Yes